Pentesting Security Audit

Our trained professionals undertake penetration testing and security audits.
Every organisation, regardless of size or sector, is at risk of having its information systems attacked. With all dangers stemming from a security flaw introduced during configuration, development, or maintenance, these assaults and threats are not limited to major businesses. Our security services are designed to discover and remediate these flaws before they become exploitable vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing

A penetration test is a simulated cyber assault on your computer system in order to identify exploitable flaws.

Security Audits

Complement penetration testing with a detailed analysis of technical factors. Additionally, these audits may be conducted independently of a penetration test.

Red Team Services

Red Team services simulate realistic and effective assault techniques against your infrastructure.

Incident Response

Our Incident Response service is designed to assist you upon the discovery of an attack or breach into your information system.

Why Choose US?

Technically competent

All of our consultants and auditors receive ongoing training from third-party organisations to stay current on emerging vulnerabilities and attack methodologies.

Responsive and flexible

Our trained security experts and pen-testers are available to respond and advise you on the most appropriate course of action to take.

Certified experts

Among other certificates, our consultants possess the OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), OSCE (Offensive Security Certified Expert) and OPST (OSSTMM Professional Security Tester).

What solutions do we provide?
Penetration Testing

A realistic simulation of an assault on a computer system, a network, or an organisation.

Internal Penetration Testing

External Penetration Testing

Application Penetration Testing

Wireless Penetration Testing

VoIP (Voice over IP) Penetration Testing

Remote Access Penetration Testing
Security Audits

Complement penetration testing with a detailed analysis of technical factors. Additionally, these audits may be conducted independently of a penetration test.

Vulnerability Assessment Services

Social Engineering Simulations

Incident Response Services

Red Team Services
Contact one of our professionals immediately

To learn more about our security services and how they may help safeguard your business, please contact one of our courteous certified experts for a no-obligation discussion.

Let us Connected
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UK: Barking, London, UK

UAE: Al-Barsha-2, Dubai, UAE

BD: Panthapath, Dhaka.




Phone UK : +44 747 8842794

Phone UAE : +97 154 4105070

Phone BD : +88 019 45604114